The make-up artist also the hair person... came to the house at 7am!!! i was half awake and took a shower at 6.50 in the morning!! it was bloody cold..... anyways.. i was the first to get my hair and make up done... i got my eye-brows plucked, did make up, did up the hair and tada i was done... not yet with the dress and shoes though.
I had something to eat while the rest was getting theirs done as our lunch will only be around 4pm.. coz we had to have the ceromony which started at 1pm then pictures... being the bridesmaid is hard work you know... posing for soooo many pictures!! lol (i LOVED it.)
11am.. my sister looked absoulutely gorgeous.... =) we all got dressed up and then.. the limo came around 12.15.... YUP!! a LIMO! haha. those fancy long ones with a bar inside and everything.. (i know lar.. i jakun never been in a limo unlike all of my other friends)
okay... we got to the venue which looked like a castle.. i'm serious.. it was soooooo pretty and lovely, and warm, and........ etc etc... i was really loving it... but not the heels i was on.. hehehe.
Then............... my sis had her interview thingy.... then... we were gathered to line up pageboy and flowergirl first, followed by bridesmaids (that's us!!) and then father and the bride. =D
It was lovely lar.... the day was just beautiful (except for the rain) and the atmosphere was nice and everything... it was just such a beautiful wedding..... i'm actually getting watery eyes from writing this... lol..
I'll stop now and diplay the pics i have it's not all of them... but the important ppl.. hahaha. these are the photo's taken by the proffesional. mine are still in my mother's computer.. arrgghhh.. my bro promised he'll burn them into a cd for me tomorrow.
Ok.. lets begin..
Introducing... the Bride and Groom.. hehehe
Bride, Bridesmaids and Flower Girl...
The Groom with the girls...
Okay.. i'm gonna load these first there are plenty more to come but i'll resize them before posting.. so ENJOY these for the moment! byezzz..
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